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How to create a group training plan from an existing plan template

Want to assign a workout plan to a group of clients? You can now create a workout plan for all the clients in a training group with just a few taps. 

Estimated setup time: 2 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy

Steps to create a group training plan: 
  1. Tap on "Plan Templates", and select the template that you wish to assign to a group. 

  2. Swipe right on the screen (if you're on iOS) or tap on the menu on the top-right (if you're on Android). 

  3. Select the option "Copy Template to Groups"

  4. Next, select the group(s) that you wish to assign the selected workout plan. 

  5. Set the start date (has to be in present or future) for the selected workout plan. 

  6. Lastly, uncheck "delete client's existing plans that are scheduled on or after the start date", if you wish to delete the client's current workout plan. 

  7. Tap on "Copy" to assign the workout plan to all your clients in the group. 
Note: Make sure you select the correct group(s), as the app will automatically assign the selected workout plan to all clients in the selected group, and might even delete their existing workout plan.

Next Steps:

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Happy Training,
TrainerFu Team

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