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How to configure a training package for existing clients

Want to up-sell a training plan to your existing clients? Or want to create exclusive plans that only your existing clients can enrol? 

We've made it easier than ever to configure training packages for your existing clients, and we're going to walk you through the entire workflow in this article. 

Estimated setup time: 2 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy

  1. Onboarding: Create a training package that you want to offer to your existing clients. This will require giving the plan a name and description, along with configuring the onboarding parameters, using the group, plan template and trainer dropdown. [Read: How to setup a training package on TrainerFu]

  2. Payment: Once you've configured the package, the next step is to setup the payment parameters, where you need to define how you want to collect payment from your clients. [Read: How to setup payment for training packages]

  3. Filter criteria: The final step is to select who can signup for the training program.

    - In this step, you can select "Existing Clients Only", if you want to make this package exclusively available to clients that you've already added to your TrainerFu account. 

    - If you also want to allow new clients to signup for the program, you can select the option "Both New and Existing Clients". 

Next Steps:

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Happy Training,
TrainerFu Team

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